Schellewald, V. (2010). Der Einsatz der wingwave-Methode zur psychischen Rehabilitation nach Sportverletzungen [The use of wingwave method for psychological rehabilitation after sports injuries]. Cologne: Bachelor’s thesis at the German Sport University Cologne
Kutscha, D. (2012). Der Einsatz der wingwave-Methode nach Sportverletzungen. eine Nachfolgeuntersuchung [The use of wingwave method after sports injuries. A follow-up study].
AV Akademiker Verlag GmbH & Co. KG. Saarbrücken
In her study with 45 participants with medically cured sport injuries, but having restricted performance capacity, Schellewald was able to prove that with a one-hour wingwave intervention, the athletes were “mentally strengthened” to be able to return to their form of sport: In comparison to a control group without intervention and to a placebo group with one hour of Progressive Muscle Relaxation, they had significantly fewer flashbacks, a significantly lower negative expectation and complained significantly less about the lack of social support. These effects were time-stable and regardless of the respective Coach.
Afterwards, in a follow-up study, Kutscha was able to demonstrate that even six to eight weeks after the one-time Coaching, a positive effect could be measured on the mental health and subjective well-being of the subjects. Furthermore, he was able to show that the results were regardless of the Coach.